Wednesday, September 5, 2007

number one

basically. i'm just posting a little somethingsomething to start the blogging business off.

i've blogged before.
and i heart it.
mostly with xanga and opendiary.

anyways. um.

i'm trying to think of something fascinating to say.
but i'm miserably failing.

pretty much, i'm just going to go take a shower.
and then go to bed.
because i am tired.

and senior year sucks.
it is not glorious and amazing like everyone brags about it.

well i mean.
it might just be because i'm taking three AP courses.
but you know. whatever.

ANYWAYS. i'm going to shower.
and do stuff.

like sleeping.

to z- i heart you lots. more than anything. don't you dare forget it. (ge out)
to d- OMGHI. eat lunch with us, whore.
to nanny- we copied you. it's because we're so cool. let's start a petition for stacy and clinton to adopt us.



The Nanny said...

YAY first comment!

and i know about senior year, honey. it does suck at the beginning but i promise it does get better. especially when the senioritis thing gets to your head and you're on a constant senior high and you're just like "yeah, i'm a senior, so it's okay."

plus once you're accepted into every college you've applied to you take a deep breath and relax and it's marvelous!

the nanny

The Nanny said...

p.s. you copied my dots.

the nanny

Zanzibar George said...

I was going to copy the dots. But then. I didn't. I opted for a simpler thingish. With black. Since black ish niiiiice. Somethingsomething.

Yay for blogging and such. Wheeee. Guten, love.

Delilah said...





