Sunday, October 28, 2007

number ten

i am absolutely astounded at how infuriating boys can be.
i thought i had a pretty good idea.
but apparently i was wrong.

i was in colorado this weekend. visiting colleges.

let me rant about that for a few minutes.

friday i visited colorado state.
it was absolutely GORGEOUS.
the trees were all turning yellow and red for the fall.
just. stunning. i was so obsessed with them.
i had an admissions speel which was you know. fun.
lol. i hate those things.
and then i went on a tour. which was funnn.
i love tours.
the weather was SO like amazing.
it was about 50 degrees, but the sun was shining so it was really, really nice. i loved ittt.
the campus is also FANTASTIC. omg. it's amazing.
it was a nice mix of nature and buildings. there were trees everywhere, you could see the mountains from certain parts of the campus. the buildings were pretty.
and my dad and i were on campus for the most part of the day. and by the end of the day, i could tell where a lot of the stuff was. which is pretty awesome.
because there are about 25,000 kids there. 21,000 undergrad and 4,000 grad students. and for a fairly big campus it just didn't seem that big, you know? which was really awesome.
and thennn i had a meeting with a lady in the psych department. that was interesting. their psych program is pretty intense. it's really based a lot on science. which is fine with me. i actually love science. yes. nerd. lol.
so anyways yes. lol.
and then i had a meeting with the Honors Program director. which was fun also i suppose. i have a pretty good chance of getting in i think.
and theeeen. well we kind of wandered around.
and then we went home.

saturday we got up early and drove into colorado springs (we were staying just half an hour from fort collins which is where CSU is) to visit colorado college.
or THE colorado college.
it was FREEEEZING. it must have been in the 40s, but there was no sun. and it was cloudy and windy.
we had an admissions speel (again) and i swear to god the lady said "colorado college" 37 times within the last 20 minutes of the speel. i am not making that up. i counted.
so i was like "pretentious, are we?"
that was a turn off.
but anyways then i had an interview.
and i don't really know why people make such big deals about them. it was a lot of fun. i just kind of talked a lot about what i do. lol.
and thennnn i went on a campus tour.
our tour guy was cute. lol.
a mix between justin bartha and ian somerhalder.
vair nice. lol.
and he totally had a thing for me too. it was fantastic. he was so cutely awkward.
anyways. i loved the campus. it was gorgeous. the weather was hell. but. meh.

so. here. i need to make my list of pros and cons.
-gorgeous campus
-honors program
-felt at pretty good there
-nice students
-pretty awesome academics
-lots of sports to make a great atmosphere
-ft. collins is AMAZING
-very down to earth
-slightly more rural and less hustling around
-work on multiple subjects at a time

-big (it's a pro and con)
-party scene?
-too competetive? (their honors program can probably get really competitive. though i hope not)

colorado college
-small intimate classes (capped at 25 students)
-block system (3.5 weeks on one subject with a total of 8 blocks per year)
-ability for field study
-liberal arts
-substance free dorms (it's actually really important to me)
-on-campus living (i love on-campus living lol)
-creative writing, psych, classic classes
-not far from things that are outdoors
-can take several courses and then decide whether you like them within those 3.5 weeks rather than an entire semester
-concentrate on only one subject

-block system
-too small?
-hard to transfer from CC to grad school
-hard to transfer from high school to CC
-too self-important and pretentious
-academic obsessive-ness/life-controlling-ness
-bored of only one class
-not getting full feel of subject in just one month
-colorado springs isn't as awesome as fort collins

so. that is my list.
i think i like CSU better.
my dad didn't like CC at all lol.

anyways okay. so onto more important things.

so. i was waiting for paul to call or email me. for the past week.
i'd mentioned that i was coming to CSU at least like four times.
and each time, he hadn't replied to that part of the email.
and i was like "well. okay. i can take a hint."
so i sent him an email on like sunday, telling him that i was going to be on campus on friday. and he should call me.
anyways, i wasn't really surprised that he didn't call or email or whatever. and i was preparing myself for it.
so blah. i get back to dallas.
and i'm sitting at my desk, minding my OWN business.
when my phone rings.
annnnd it's paul.
laura's brain: WTFMAN.
so. he's all like "bah i just got your emaiiil! i feel really stupid now. i'm sorry i didn't call" blah etc, etc.
laura's brain: WTFMAN.
and. stuff.
and he was like "well. i mean. when are you going to the ranch?"
and so he decided that he'd definitely come see me this summer at the ranch.
which is only, oh, eight months away.
bleh. but i was like "well. i guess i might have to go back up to colorado before i make my choice about college..."
so. i don't know. BOYS. ARE. SO. INFURIATING.

anyways. there's a second part to this story.
i was sitting on the plane this morning (at an UNGODLY hour, might i add) and there was this empty seat next to me.
and i was like "dear god. if you love me. please send me a cute boy. who will sit next to me. the end."
and. there must be SOME god up there. because walking down the aisle comes this really cute guy. and he sits down next to me.
i mean well actually there was this whole argument about who was going to sit where. and at first this big old guy was like "i'll sit in 32D."
and i was like "BAHNOTALLOWED."
and so finally this cute guy sits down.
and it's kind of. awkward. at first.
he's cute.
i'm cute (bahahaha)
anyways. and so. finally i (yes, ME) started the conversation.
and it kind of just flew off from there.
he's from a suburb of where i live (frisco for all of you people who know me)
and plays football. receiver. very nice. finally not falling for a quarterback.
he's a senior out in frisco and we actually had a LOT in common.
it was crazy.
we talked most of the flight.
it was funnnn.
he was really cute and really sweet.
we exchanged AIM after the flight and i've yet to hear from him.
but. he's a boy.
so. not expecting anything really soon. lol.

anyways. so. yes. that was pretty awesome.
hopefully we can stay in contact.
and do stuff.
because he was pretty awesome.

that has been my weekend.
a little action packed.

i've written most of my college essays.
the only ones that are left are the really boring ones.
"why do you want to attend so and so college?"

i mean. eww.

couldn't they think of BETTER questions?
trinity's questions are AWESOME. i love them.
"pick a fictional character to be your freshman roommate and explain why you chose him/her/it."
"how would you introduce yourself to your new roommmate in an email?"
"besides the obvious, what three things will you bring with you to college and why?"


so i finished trinity's application.
and CSU's.
and A&M's.
and i finished the common application. so.
i just have to do rice and colorado college's suppliment questions.
which, as i've said are boring. and icky.

anyways. that's what i'm going to work on now.

boys are dumb.
the end.

omggggg GO BUY IT.


"the more men i meet
the more i love my dog."

1 comment:

The Nanny said...

you are an effing overachiever. YOU'VE FINISHED APPLICATIONS ALREADY??? good god woman.

i did emerson's in 2 days.


and i got in.

that's the way to go, people, I'm tellin' ya...